Don’t change anything, Just change projectile

1. “두레텍은 장외주식 거래와 관련하여 어떠한 관계도 없으며, 진행하지도 않습니다. 특정 플랫폼에서 거래가 이루어지고 있다는 문의를 받고 있어 공지합니다. 이에 대해 당사는 해당 거래와 무관하며, 투자자들은 유의하시길 바랍니다.”

2. 두레텍의 영상 및 사진 등 자료는 무단으로 활용해선 안되며, 반드시 두레텍의 허가를 받고 활용하시기 바랍니다. 두레텍 사이트에 존재하는 모든 매체는 두레텍이 소유하고 권한을 가집니다.

“[중요, Important] 주의 및 경고문 / Alert and Warning Notice

[DureTek Video] NIJ III & IV Penetration Test

[Headline] Revolutionary Muzzle Brake by DureTek Delivers Optimal Combat Efficiency

[Headline] Sep. 2024, “Dr16A1 High-Performance Small Arms Ammunition Penetrates NIJ Level IV Armor, Faces Delays Amid Military Adoption and Competitive Concerns

🇨🇦 DureTek CANADA is established 🇨🇦

[Headline] Dec. 2023, DureTek Prepares for Mass Production of Muzzle Brake for Airsoft Gun(BB Pellets), Enhancing Precision

[Headline] Nov. 2023, Proceeding mass production of Muzzle Brake for Recoilless small-arms

[Headline] August 2023, Preoccupation of natural super-cavitation technology completed(2023년 8월, 수중탄 기술 선점 완료)

[Headline]17 Feb 2023, Obtain the Certification of Military Usability from the ROK Army


In the projectile field, which has not been developed for over 100 years, a remarkable new technology has been born by Duretek in S.KOREA. In addition, the world’s only practically developed super-cavitation bullet can be used both underwater and in the air.

High Performance Projectile

Videos about performance of Dr16A1(5.56mm/7.62mm) are updated!! Check in Technologies sites below.

Muzzle Brake

  • You can make your rifle recoilless

Automatic Weather System for real-time battlefield

Combined Solution for Anti-Drone(Data-fusion, Hard-Kill)

–  Soft-kill is no longer safe, Protect your area with Hard-Kill Solution

High Performance Projectile Intro. Video

[Headline] Sep. 2024, “Dr16A1 High-Performance Small Arms Ammunition Penetrates NIJ Level IV Armor, Faces Delays Amid Military Adoption and Competitive Concerns”

Summary: DureTek’s Dr16A1 high-performance small arms ammunition has successfully penetrated NIJ Level IV body …