1. “두레텍은 장외주식 거래와 관련하여 어떠한 관계도 없으며, 진행하지도 않습니다. 특정 플랫폼에서 거래가 이루어지고 있다는 문의를 받고 있어 공지합니다. 이에 대해 당사는 해당 거래와 무관하며, 투자자들은 유의하시길 바랍니다.”
2. 두레텍의 영상 및 사진 등 자료는 무단으로 활용해선 안되며, 반드시 두레텍의 허가를 받고 활용하시기 바랍니다. 두레텍 사이트에 존재하는 모든 매체는 두레텍이 소유하고 권한을 가집니다.
“[중요, Important] 주의 및 경고문 / Alert and Warning Notice“
[DureTek Video] NIJ III & IV Penetration Test
[Headline] Revolutionary Muzzle Brake by DureTek Delivers Optimal Combat Efficiency
[Headline] Sep. 2024, “Dr16A1 High-Performance Small Arms Ammunition Penetrates NIJ Level IV Armor, Faces Delays Amid Military Adoption and Competitive Concerns”
🇨🇦 DureTek CANADA is established 🇨🇦
[Headline] Dec. 2023, DureTek Prepares for Mass Production of Muzzle Brake for Airsoft Gun(BB Pellets), Enhancing Precision
[Headline] Nov. 2023, Proceeding mass production of Muzzle Brake for Recoilless small-arms
[Headline] August 2023, Preoccupation of natural super-cavitation technology completed(2023년 8월, 수중탄 기술 선점 완료)
[Headline]17 Feb 2023, Obtain the Certification of Military Usability from the ROK Army
In the projectile field, which has not been developed for over 100 years, a remarkable new technology has been born by Duretek in S.KOREA. In addition, the world’s only practically developed super-cavitation bullet can be used both underwater and in the air.
High Performance Projectile
Videos about performance of Dr16A1(5.56mm/7.62mm) are updated!! Check in Technologies sites below.
- Flight Stability: Core tech. for upgrade high accuracy, long effective range
- Destructive Power Improvement: Core tech. for powerful destructive power, penetration, stopping power
- Natural Super-Cavitation: practical tech for using bullet in the air and underwater both
Muzzle Brake
- You can make your rifle recoilless
Automatic Weather System for real-time battlefield
Combined Solution for Anti-Drone(Data-fusion, Hard-Kill)
– Soft-kill is no longer safe, Protect your area with Hard-Kill Solution
News & Issue
- [DureTek Video] NIJ III & IV Penetration Test
- [Headline] Revolutionary Muzzle Brake by DureTek Delivers Optimal Combat Efficiency
- [중요, Important] 주의 및 경고문/Alert and Warning Notice
- [Headline] Sep. 2024, “Dr16A1 High-Performance Small Arms Ammunition Penetrates NIJ Level IV Armor, Faces Delays Amid Military Adoption and Competitive Concerns”
- [Headline] Dec. 2023, DureTek Prepares for Mass Production of Muzzle Brake for Airsoft Gun(BB Pellets), Enhancing Precision