May 2022, Demonstration to ICT(Integrated Concept Team) of ROKG

May 2022, Demonstration to ICT(Integrated Concept Team) of ROKG

Demonstration for ROK Government

DureTek cooperated with ICT by the request of the ROKA. Purpose of this demonstration was performance test of each several barrel, rifle, small-arms, etc.

  • Effective Range required by the ROK military
  • Accuracy required by the ROK military
  • Destructive/penetrating Power required by the ROK military

Test Results
  • Effective range: Satisfied.
  • Accuracy(MOA): Satisfied. [26cm at 914m(1,000yrds) (*Military standard is 33cm)]
  • Destructive/penetrating Power: Satisfied. (MARS500 6.5t armor plate CP at 100m)
  • Domestic firearms have a lot of differences in specifications, and foreign firearms have become more precise shooting.

It can satisfy the need to improve combat efficiency due to external design improvements such as reducing the length of the gun or barrel as using Dr16A1. ROK military officers confirmed that it was possible to subdue the enemy from a distance through shooting farther than them, achieve superiority in combat-power in close combat, and protect the lives of ally as using Dr16A1.